PXIe-5433 - active light on and reports "The register write command timed out"
Hello,we use a 5 slot PXI frame to operate PXIe-5433 generator. Since today the active led turns red short time after powering up the frame. Any access to the cards reports "-1074101887" with...
View ArticleHow to download NI 488.2 version 2.7.2
Todoy i updated the version from 2.7.2 to 20.0.But after upgrade, handler shows an error that tester EOT time out.I don't know if the error is related to the driver upgrade, so i want to roll back to...
View ArticleKeithley 2401 External Trigger to Spectrometer
Hi, the purpose of my program is pulse an LED on and off and acquire the radiant energy while the LED is ON. I am using a Keithley 2401 source meter and Ocean Insight Flame S. In the example program...
View ArticleSerial communication output not working
Can someone please explain me the correct way to read from a serial port? In the above mentioned picture, sometimes I read all 0 or sometimes same output two times. Please free to correct me. I am new...
View ArticleI have spikes on my DAQ mesure
Hello, I have been developing a project of DAQ based on ArduinoDUE (with USBserial - Native USB), the ADC is MAX11040k (that is conected with SPI with Arduino), and HMI with LabView.In this moment I...
View ArticleIssues with instrument control via ethernet
Hi,I'm quite new to LabView. I am trying to communicate with my SR DG645 delay generator via ethernet. I followed the steps discussed NI 'Ethernet Instrument Control Tutorial'...
View ArticleDC Motor Speed and Direction Control using Arduino Uno PWM + H-Bridge + LINX
Looking for bidirectional control of a dc motor. When using the USB 6009 PWM output there was quite a bit of jitter and noise. Switched to using the Arduino board PWM [the duty cycle is what changes...
View ArticlePCIe-GPIB compatibility with HP Z640 Desktop
Hi, Does anyone know of any compatibility issues with NI PCIe-GPIB cards and HP Z640 Desktops? After changing from a Fujitsu machine to the HP I've started getting ECIC errors randomly. I've also tried...
View ArticleNI GPIB-USB-HS not working under Windows 10
Hello, I have the NI GPIB-USB-HS working properly then when I changed my PC with the last one with Win 10 (Enterprise) the card do not work properly (see the attached screenshot)I installed the NI-MAX...
View ArticleIncrease PWM Frequency for Motor Speed Control via Labview LINX and Arduino Uno
Folks - Any idea how to increase the frequency of a PWM signal in an Arduino [from the default 500 Hz] to say, 20 kHz. The motor makes a whining noise at any frequency below that [tested it out with an...
View ArticleConnecting network devices in NI MAX which do not utilize LXI standard
I have an ITECH Electronic Load Mainframe which I would like to connect and communicate with via LabView and NI MAX. I've followed the steps for setting up the address information manually. i.e....
View Articletcpdump instead IOtrace
Hi,I am running under a docker and cannot install any NI-Visa I/OOn my PC I have NI-tools and locally can verify the VSA exchange between SW and Instrument, but not on the Docker....The only tool...
View ArticleTimeout error when reading a non standart sensor
Hello everybody.I'm having trouble reading a sensor through the serial port. I can read through a MATLAB script, provided by the sensor developer, but when I try to read through LabVIEW I get an error...
View ArticleError 0xbfff00a6
Hi everyoneI have a cable GPIB-USB-HS+ that is communicating via USB with a PC and a Tester that made an isolator test, this system is working all day, but some times just appear this Error 0xbfff00a6...
View ArticleError 1073807302 with Agilent E4980A LCR meter
I am trying to communicate with Agilent E4980A LCR meter through Labview. But i am getting an error saying "Error 1073807302 Unable to start application because setup is invalid". Yesterday it was...
View ArticleEntry point Error in gpib-32.dll
When I try to open VISA Interactive Control in NI MAX but it give me an error saying "Procedure Entry Point xxxxxx could not be located in Dynamic Link Library C\....." (see attachment)and probably...
View ArticleUSB-6001 -200361 error via enabled overwrite option
I am collecting Analog data in real time with a USB-6001. (300hz, 100 samples) I am also using 485 and 232 communication via USB to communicate with external devices. Each communication has a period of...
View ArticlePCI-GPIB for solaris 2
When I installed PCI-GPIB driver for solaris 2.6, I found that the floppy disk (P/N: 500509A-01) was damaged. Where can I download it?
View ArticleGoing all-in on Native Instruments?
I'm frustrated with my hodgepodge of equipment... blofeld desktop, bass station II, Logic Pro, ableton, acid, reason, ROLI LUMIkeys, MIDI controllers, basses and guitars, VSTs.... blah blah...
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