Hello, I'm trying to control the genesys TDK-Lambda 750W power supply through serial communication(Through hyperterminal). I have connected my power supply with the PC using a RS 232 cable with DB25 and Rj-45 connectors. THe power supplu has the following settings:
Bits per second:9600(Default)
Parity :None
For serial communication the power supply is setted to use RS232 in the rear panel.
I have verified the address, the baud-rate, the switches on the rear of the instrument, but it appears all ok.
I have verified the COM in the PC, too..but it doesn't talk with the tdk lambda. when I send "ADR 06" to the power source through hyperterminal it should say "OK", but I read only
ADR 06
ADR 06
I don't know whether the communication port on the power supply is enabled or not.could any please help. Thank you