I am having an issue trying to get an old LabVIEW 7.1 executable program working on Windows 2000. The program communicates with a device over RS-232 on COM2 (this port is hard-coded with a constant, unfortunately). I am getting error -1073807343 in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi as shown in the following screenshot:
Running NI-Spy while the application is running shows that the application is trying to open a resource identified by "COM2", failing at viParseRsrc. The relevant log entries are shown below:
I have verified that COM2 shows up in MAX and that I can successfully communicate with the device using the test panel. When I first launched MAX though, the alias field was blank for all the COM ports, and trying to change it and save resulted in an error dialog. However, after closing MAX and the executable and relaunching MAX, the alias was correct. The executable still throws the same error though. I tried editing visaconf.ini to have an alias, as it did not list any (the NumAlias field was set to 0). This to proved to be futile. I also used Add/Remove programs to repair the VISA Runtime component, but this had no effect.
I do not have access to the computer right now, but after some more research I think I will try to remove the alias' from MAX and re-add them; perhaps they were corrupted somehow as I was changing the COM numbers through the device manager mutliple times. If anyone has other suggestions or possible solutions, I would be very grateful for the help.
Thank you,