I am having problems connecting to a Kepco SNR 488-8 Power Controller via the GPIB bus. The odd thing is that I was able to connect to it before...
Here are the steps to reproduce the error:
- Start NI MAX
- Click on My System -> Device and Interfaces -> PCI-GPIB "GPIB0"
- On the "Properties" tab, click on the button "Scan for Instruments"
- Get an error that says "Too many listeners on GPIB"
This is what I've tried to fix the error:
- I verified that the PCI-GPIB is set to address 0.
- I also verified that the address for the Kepco SNR 488-8 is address 4.
- I can't click on "Restore Defaults" button for the GPIB card as it's grayed out.
- I tried two different GPIB cables connecting directly from the PC to the test equipment, so it's unlikely that it's a bad cable.
- I updated to the latest version of NI MAX v5.5.0f0.
- I tried the NI-488.2 troubleshooting utility. Both of the options passed.
- I also collected a trace if that helps.
I had the Agilent VISA installed at one point, but I uninstalled it so the NI VISA should be the only one left.
Is there anything else I can try?
Thank you,
Graham Best