Hi, I am using Scientific Linux 6.5 32bit and I try to install NI-488.2 to talk with NI PCI-GPIB.
I downloaded http://www.ni.com/download/ni-488.2-2.9.1/3186/en/ and followed the installation instructions.
When I try to run gpibexplorer under /usr/local/natinst/ni4882/bin it says
libnipalu.so failed to initialize, Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers.
I run updateNIDrivers but nothing changes.
Also, when I run gpibtsw it says NI488.2 Software is not correctly installed on your system. Please restart the system and reinstall NI488.2 software. Which I did several times (with first uninstalling it completely as well) but nothing changed.
Can I get any help on this?