I have OSA Yokogawa AQ6370C connected via RS-232.
When I use direct connection to com port - all work fine!
I send command "*IDN?\r\n" an recieve correct answer "YOKOGAWA,AQ6370C,91L412833,01.02".
Now i try interact with device by using IVI functions from visa32.dll
viOpen(rm, "ASRL8::INSTR", 0, 0, ref vi);//OK viWrite(vi, "*IDN?\r\n",7, ref retCnt);//OK viRead(vi, response, 256, ref retCnt);//Timeout or framing error!
Call monitor log
25.04.2014 13:54 22.979 0.6039s viOpen(0x7f7f20, "ASRL8::INSTR", 0, 0, 0x7f93a8) 25.04.2014 13:54 22.998 0.0000s viWrite(0x7f93a8, "*idn?", 5, 0x66bde90(5)) 25.04.2014 13:54 25.017 1.9993s viRead(0x7f93a8, "", 256, 0x66bde90(0)) - (0xbfff0015) "Error - The specified operation or request timed out" 25.04.2014 13:54 26.253 0.0117s viClose(0x7f93a8)
25.04.2014 14:00 53.695 0.6052s viOpen(0x6fb7f20, "ASRL8::INSTR", 0, 1000, 0x6fb93a8) 25.04.2014 14:00 53.703 0.0000s viWrite(0x6fb93a8, "*idn?\r\n", 7, 0x602dac0(7)) 25.04.2014 14:00 53.812 0.0996s viRead(0x6fb93a8, "................................\r.", 256, 0x602dac0(34)) - (0xbfff006b) "Error - A framing error occurred during transfer" 25.04.2014 14:00 55.582 0.0119s viClose(0x6fb93a8)
I try several combination of delimiter \r \n or \r\n. Its all not work :smileysad:
PS Interaction via Ethernet by using visa32.dll functions work fine!