for many years we have successfully used the USB-GPIB adapter from NI ("NI GPIB-USB-HS+") under Win-7.
Since the recent change to Win-10 we now have the problem that the driver delays the cyclic commands more and more with time.
General conditions:
- Change from Win-7 to Win-10
- We use the HW-Adapter together with the software "CANoe (11SP4)" from "vector" (both before and now).
- In this CANoe runs a script, with which cyclically the voltage and the current from the power supply is queried (each 200ms alternating).
- Additionally every 5s a new voltage is sent async to the power supply.
- The error becomes visible after approx. 5 minutes by the fact that the voltage at the power supply unit is not changed immediately, but the longer the sequence is active the larger the difference becomes.
- After 1 hour there is already a delay of about 30s between setting a new voltage and the actual change of the voltage.
- As a workaround, the voltage query is currently deactivated: This way the problem can be delayed a lot.
- It seems that in the SW-GPIB driver a queue is built up when too many and too fast commands come.
- And the SW-GPIB driver is the only thing that has changed in this respect.
- The NI driver under Win-7 was installed 3-4 years ago and has not been updated.
- The current driver is "" from "Sat 15. 1. 2022".
Do you know the problem and maybe even the solution?
Thanks a lot!