I have recently purchased a NI-1433 CameraLink framegrabber and have some questions on serial control.
The manual states that:
- .NET—Use the serial interface programmatically, through calls to the NI-IMAQ driver using the ImaqSerialConnection class.
I don’t see this class anywhere.
Initially, I installed the full Vision Acquisition Software, and discovered that none of the .NET related dlls were present (contrary to the manual). After poking around the internet, I learned that since 2019, .NET dlls are only available on github. I downloaded the niimaqdx_net.2015 solution and it compiled to give some dlls, but those only deal with images, not camera settings (unless I am missing something).
Can somebody please point me where I can get a .NET version of your dlls that also contain the the ImaqSerialConnection class (or equivalent)? I am using a camera that is not listed on NI website, and therefore, I need to send the camera specific serial commands over the CameraLink interface (via your framegrabber).
Generally, I found that the documentation provided does not describe the actual software products they ship with. It’s quite confusing.
Thanks a lot!