I have a test setup where I control a high voltage source via GPIB. The labview program is running as an executable and laview 2018 RTE is installed. We've started the program no already several times and most of the time it is working fine but I've now encountered for the third time already that error 1073807202: : A Code Library Required by NI-VISA Could Not Be Located is popping up when the program starts.
The only way to get rid of this error is to reinstall the visa drivers or the reset the configuration data in NI MAX. The strange thing is that the device is visible in NI MAX and that even the communication is working in NI MAX.
The HV source is not SCPI compliant and doesn't responds properly to *IDN? and I have a proper handling of the visa session in the program by opening and closing it at the start and end of the program.
I also checked this: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P87BSAS&l=nl-NL but it doens't seem to point to any direction.
My main problem is also that I don't have any admin rights on the system and I always need to contact IT to help solving it.
Anyone has an idea how to troubleshoot or workaround this?