I am trying to use the IVI .NET VISA SW components to interface my Instruments with MATLAB.
Using NI VISA Interface Control SW (and clicking "refresh"), I am able to list and see all the interfaces.
And the NI IO Trace acquisition shows 8 interfaces :
I am interested in the last one in the traces: the instrument on GPIB...
Now, I am using the IVI .NET VISA SW component.
Running the Find() method of the GlobalResourceManager class, the result is different !
The number of detected interfaces is reduced to 6 instead of 8?
I have lost the GPIB ones, unfortunately.
I am using : Ivi.Visa.GlobalResourceManager.Find('?*') or Ivi.Visa.GlobalResourceManager.Find() - with same result.
And when running this line, the NI IO trace shows:
Only serial interface are listed here and no longer GPIB ones.
What is the difference between what is done by the NI VISA interactive control SW and the ResourceManager.Find() method I am trying to use?
Shall I do something different, what am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help and advice.
Best regards,