There seem to be two problems: the kernel module nikal fails to build; and once that is fixed, the library can't be found. I managed to fix the first problem, but am stuck on the second. This seems to be the same problem as this post, no solution given.
First problem: The kernel modules of NI-VISA 19.2 (current version) failed to install on the current version of CentOS 8 (kernel version 4.18.0-193.28.1.el8_2.x86_64). The output from step 3 of the installation procedure, "sudo dkms autoinstall" is attached. The problem is that nikal.ko fails to build because of a type mismatch (log file attached). I fixed this by editing /var/lib/dkms/nikal/19.2.0f0/source/nikal.c, changing the return value of nNIKAL190_vmaPageFaultHandler and nNIKAL220_vmaPageFaultHandlerPageList from "int" to "unsigned int" (lines 368 and 373).
Second problem: After successfully building the kernel modules and rebooting, the "VISA Interactive Control" program (/usr/bin/NIvisaic) fails with the error, "Can't find library". I haven't been able to find this library.
Does anyone have a solution?