I hope this is not too stupid a question, but I want to start as simple as possible.
I control other (i.e., Tek, HP) GPIB-enabled instruments using a Prologix usb-to-GPIB
dongle and send ***simple ascii strings***. E.g., something like ":channel1:input 50Ohm"
to set the input impedance of my HP scope. The Prologix dongle has a command ++addr <n>
to direct commands to an instrument with GPIB address n where I have previously set the
address of the instrument with dip switches.
There are no "drivers" involved. I just send ascii strings to/from the addressed instrument.
I have a pxi frame with an 8212 card and a dmm card 4060. I want some help on a similar
scheme for talking to the dmm in the pxi frame.
1. How do I set the address of the frame?
2. Can I send/receive simple ascii strings to the addressed instrument using my Prologix converter?
Thanks so much!
Anxious to get started ...