Dear all,
I am new with Labview, hence, my apologies for any stupid questions.
I have a temperature controoler Ascon KX03 that can communicate trhough a serial port with Modbus protocol (I attached the datasheet, in particular at pag. 9 there is an example of the commands to get some information). As first step I connected the controller using a SerialTec software that works fine, so I am able to establish a communication and get, as instance, the current temperature value. I attach the screenshot with the string that SerialTec is sending to receive the temperature value. I would like to read using Labview, but I am trying without success. I attach my simple IV that is not giving any results. Actually, I don't know how to send a string of command (byte and words) to the controller. Sorry if it is a stupid question: how can I send the string of command to the controller to receive and answer and record the answer, please?
Thank you for your help