I currently use LabVIEW 2016 to connect to an FPGA/PXI chassis. In NI-MAX it is listed under "remote systems." I have one vi which programs the FPGA, and then a host program which calls that using an "Open FPGA VI Reference." I would like to have that host program also control a second instrument (for testing purposes, I am using a tektronix AFG3022 function generator with its NI drivers). In NI-MAX, this test instrument is under "My System -> Network Devices." I first modified one of the example vi that came with the tektronix driver and verified that I could control just the tektronix with LabVIEW. When I tried to incorporate this code into my larger host program, however, I could not connect to the tektronix anymore [Error-1073807343, VISA Open in Tektronix AFG 3000 Series.lvlib:Initialize.vi->TESTethernet_Host_KappaG2.vi]. In fact, when I went to the drop-down menu I had previously used to select the Tektronix VISA resource name, it was no longer an option (the options now include PXI resource names). Any idea why this might be happening?