I have PXIe 1085 chassis and PXIe 8135 RT controller in my HIL setup. My plant model contains plant for GPS which communicates with ECU Under Test over Serial Communication. I don't have serial IO card on chassis. I understand that Serial Comm Port on RT Controller can be used for this purpose. How should I get this working? One of the ways that I got to know was custom device. From GitHub I downloaded "Instrument Addon" package and I understand I can control serial port of RT Controller using this. I would need to add this in Veristand as a custom device. Now question that I have is that when I open this project(Instrument Addon labview project) for compiling, it doesn't open as it tries to search "Custom Device API.lvlib" but it doesn't find the same. Whats the issue? Also I am not able to "NI Veristand" folder in "vi.lib" folder (C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2018\vi.lib). Is it because of order of installation of softwares? I installed Veristand first and then Labview. Please suggest solution.
I installed below libraries as well:
https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-VeriStand-Add-Ons-Documents/VeriStand-Development-Tools-VIPC/ta-p/3632685 : VeriStand Development Tools.vipc 7321 KB
https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-Labs-Toolkits/NI-VeriStand-Custom-Device-Project-Wizard/ta-p/3538685 : "ni_tmpl_veristand_custom_device- "