Hello all,
I'm trying to use an IVI DMM class in LabWindows and I fail at this.
I have a real HP 34410A multimeter connected via USB and I can get it to work with VISA using viOpen(), viWrite(), viRead(), etc...
I can also get it to work with the specific IVI driver, using hp34401a_InitWithOptions(), hp34401a_Read(), etc...
Now, I'm trying to use it through a generic IVI Dmm driver. I'm trying to follow the tutorial here: http://www.ni.com/tutorial/3377/en/ but I already glaze over at step 2: In MAX I have [IVI Drivers][Logical Names][MyDmm] where I have a Driver Session named [MyDriverSession], a [Go To] on that I chose [Don't simulate] and in the hardware tab I have [HpMult] as a resource descriptor, which is the name given above to [Devices and interfaces][34410A Digital Multimeter "HpMult"]
OK, that was a mouthful.
Now when I write a little program and call IviDmm_init with the logical name "MyDmm", it always fail with resource not found.
What am I missing ?