Hello everyone,
I am during my long term measurements using keithley as a part of my system. I perform VdP measurments using my Keithley as a voltage source and current meter. My measuremnets took long time ( hundreds of hours ). One VdP loop took about 30 sec. I wrote LabView control driver by myself using simple SCPI code.
The problem is that my communication with Keithley randomly fail. It is never the same time. When it stops I recive an error with VISA Read ( always the same ). On the other hand communication with SMU stops, and I have to turn off the device.
Can anyone help me with it? My OS is Win 7 Pro and LV is 2017 and communication is via USB.
Please find attached Keithley control program.
The communication open before main loop ( in VdP program ) and only "Output" , "Measurement" and "Reset" is inside the loop.
If this problem is trivial please excuse me for that, but for now I can not find any solution.