I am having trouble getting NI-VISA Interactive Control to recognize the resource and would appreciate any help. My goal is to communicate with the device through NI-VISA.
Configuration Details:
OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Controller: ENET-GPIB/1000
Device: Keithley 2600
NI488.2 version: 2.9.1
NI-VISA version: 5.4.1
I have installed the NI488.2 and verified communication to the device by using the "gpibexplorer" and querying "*IDN?". After installing NI-VISA and starting the VISA Interactive Control (NIvisaic) utility, an error is thrown with the following message:
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.
I've also tried to manually add the resource using NI-VISA Configuration (visaconf) utility, but have not had any success. When adding the resource, I configured the IP Address and set the protocol to VXI-11 Protocol. After doing so, the VISA Interactive Control still shows the same error message.