I'm communicating with a watlow f4 with a rs232-> USB conversion cable
I'm using the VISA Configure Serial Port to create my base of communication with the watlow.
My program is working fine and doing what it needs to in terms of execution, but I'm trying stump out the last of my "what if X problem occurs while program is running"
Right now, the X (problem) i'm trying to resolve is
"what happens if someone accidently unplugs the watlow USB plug from the back of the PC that the application is running on?"
For now, I do have it sensing such an error, but I'm basically telling the user that the program will have to be restarted.
I would like to pause the program when this error has been detected (which I know how to do) and tell the user "please plug-in the serial COM USB back into the PC, select the COM port from the drop down list and press OK to resume program" (this is the part I can't figure out how to do)
How can I reset and re-initialize the VISA serial port after my program detects this error?