I have some trouble with my fresh built application.
The little program uses serial/visa communication to gather data from a device via serial port.
Everything is working well on my development machine: The device is found and the COM port is assigned.
But when building an application and run it on the destination machine the serial device is not found.
So I built an application from the vi which is finding the communication port (e.g. COM4) to my device and it works properly on the desination machine.
Can you help me please.
development computer:
- W7 32bit
- LV 2012 Sp1
- LV Run-Time 2012 SP1
- NI-VISA 5.4
- MAX 5.5
- DAQmx 9.7
destination computer:
- W7 64bit
- LV Run-Time 2012 SP1 32bit
- NI-VISA 16.0
- MAX 16.0
- DAQmx 16.0
Any hint is welcome.
Many Thanks and Best Regards,