We are using NI-PXI-GPIB card in one of our systems for interfacing with nearly 20 differently addressed instruments. The GPIB card is fit into a cPCI backplane, controlled by the Advantech cPCI Processor (MIC3358), which controls the full system. The GPIB driver Ver is installed for the GPIB card accessing. All the instruments are GPIB interfaced through GPIB IEEE 488 cables. During our testing with the Agilent Instrument Counter timer (53131A), the data that is displayed in the Instrument, is not received the same in the software. Eg : Actual value displayed:50442.7Hz, but Received value:0.0000504227Hz. We have also spied the GPIB commn using NI Spy software, where we could not trace what is the value received. We have carried out the following, but still this decimal point variation issue remains unsolved.
1. Replacement of the Counter timer (53131A) instrument with another of same model
2. Replacement of GPIB cable
3. Replacement of NI-PXI-GPIB card
FYI : The NI-GPIB pcb had the details as : ASSY183923H-01 DC1402 UL94V-0 183925C-01