I am currently trying to install the visa driver 15.5 on opensuse 13.2 as it is supported by ni.
I installed the kernel sources, gcc, make etc.
And now when I am executing the ./INSTALL script, I get the following message:
Checking required install tools...
Checking installer tool versions...
rpm 4.11.3 can be used with a default installation path
tar 1.28
Checking dependencies...
glibc 2.19
Unpacking install files to /tmp/nivisa-15.5.0f1.install...
max: ERROR: Kernel source does not appear to be installed for the 3.16.7-35-desktop kernel.
max: ERROR: Installation of the kernel-source package for kernel 3.16.7-35-desktop is
max: ERROR: required to continue this installation.
This document contains the following licenses:
1. National Instruments Software License Agreement (Linux Driver Software)
2. IVI Foundation License Agreement
when I type uname -r:
ls /usr/src/ :
linux linux-3.16.7-35 linux-3.16.7-35-obj linux-obj packages
ls /lib/modules:
3.16.6-2-desktop 3.16.7-35-default 3.16.7-35-pae
3.16.7-35 3.16.7-35-desktop 3.16.7-35-xen
if i continue the installation and try to start the nipal service I also get an error:
sudo /etc/init.d/nipal start
error: /lib/modules/3.16.7-35-desktop/kernel/natinst/nipal/nipalk.ko not found
error: Please compile and install nipalk.ko by running
error: updateNIDrivers
sudo /usr/bin/updateNIDrivers
nikal: ERROR: Error locating kernel sources for the requested kernel version (3.16.7-35-desktop).
usage: ./updateNIDrivers [--no-prompt] [kernelVersion]
Specify the version of a kernel installed on the system.
A /lib/modules/<kernelVersion> directory should exist for each
kernel installed. The currently running kernel is the default
for ./updateNIDrivers if no argument is provided.
Run 'uname -r' at the command prompt to find the version of the
currently running kernel.
runs in no prompt mode. Useful if calling this script from
another script. Messages are still printed to the screen and
the return value can be checked for status.
use fast shortcuts to determine whether modules need to be rebuilt.
Does somebody knows how to deal with this ?