Hey Guys,
I'm a LabView newbie and want to program a LabView-VI which should write the measurement of a Heidenhaim angle measurement device and multiple strain gauge strips in one data file like this:
angle | strain1 | strain2 | strain3 ...
The strian gauge strips are connected to the Laptop with NI9237 modules and a NI chassis via USB. The Heidenhaim system is also connected via USB.
Can LabView identify the angle measurement system or do I need additional drivers?
I found this post (http://forums.ni.com/t5/Instrument-Control-GPIB-Serial/Heidenhain-ND-287-connect-with-VISA/td-p/2372608) and tried to figure out the given example "Advanced Serial Write and Read.vi". But I would be happy if anybody has more information, examples, codes, etc.
Thanks for your help