We are developing firmware for a new TMC device. Device is successfully enumerated as IVI class [Refer: 1_WinDeviceMgr.png]
The firmware is at a very basic level at this stage with Control EP handling all the standard requests (Get Capabilities is not yet in place); bulk out end point is ready to data.
Currently I am stuck with an issue that, host driver is indefintelty sending BULK OUT data packates [Refer: 2_BeagleTrace.png] - the same behaviour is observed when using both Win and Linux hosts!
I am not sure to understand this behaviour.USBTMC class specs [USBTMC_1_00.pdf and USBTMC_usb488_subclass_1_00.pdf] looks straightforward.
Can you please clarify:
1 - Windows is able to detect this device - but NI MAX is not able to identify this (I ve followed NI forum link as well - http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/BE81A3BE80E415D2862579DB006B131A)
2 - Why there is a continuous EP1 - BULK OUT data from host?
3 - Connected beagle lists this new device (7) on BusIdx:7; there are no bulkout data on EP1 !, but not sure from where the "Unknown Device (8): (BusIdx:2) EP1 OUT data is coming from? probably due to this, our device library is confused and failing to understand the data!
4 - My understanding is, beagle snoop should enumerate only bus index 8, but not sure to why there are '8 bus indexes' listed!?
Kindly throw some light if you have any clues on these - Beagle capture [3_beagle_trace.tdc] is also attached for your reference.
Thanks for your support.