Hi all,
I have a fluke 8846 multimeter that im using to measure temperature , i need to log the data with labview , for this i donwloaded the ni drivers for my fluke 8846 , but whe i run the examples , more especifically the Fluke 884X Series Read Temperature Measurement.vi , the multimeter makes a couple of beeps , a click sound and the lcd refreshes , the vi stops with only one measure recorded (the last one before the blinks), i want to log the temperature in the vi as it chnages in the multimeter, i dont know what could be the problem.
I cheked the config on the multimeter , ports on the pc and in max , im using a serial to usb cable.
whe i check with the visa test panel , this si what i get
1: Write Operation (*IDN?\n)
Return Count: 6 bytes
2: Write Operation (*IDN?\n)
Return Count: 6 bytes
3: Read Operation
Return Count: 35 bytes
4: Read Operation
Return Count: 35 bytes
and some errors
Read Operation
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
whe i read the status byte
Read STB Operation
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003A) Unable to start operation because setup is invalid (due to attributes being set to an inconsistent state).
i hope someone can help me