I am using a fresh GPIB/ENET 1000 for communicating with my instruments using a measurement system called Labber based on python.
Also note that there are other instruments connected via USB and serial and controlled by Labber as well.
There are two types of problems that occur intermittently after a measurement run.
1) GPIB/ENET 1000 becomes unreachable. When this happens, on the cmd prompt, I run: ping This would give the reply Reply from Destination host unreachable. When it is working fine, it would normally show the transmission times (time<1ms TTL=62). In NI-MAX, it shows the red cross on the GPIB/ENET and all the options such as self-test, refresh do not work.
The only way to get it back to working state is either wait for about 40mins or simply turn on/off its power. After this, it starts to work right away. I have also noticed that this problem occurs only after a measurement is made. When left with the ping command indefinitely (ping -t), it never hangs up like that.
It gives this error in Labber: VI_ERROR_RSRC_NFOUND (-1073807343): Insufficient location information or the requested device or resource is not present in the system, which makes sense if the GPIB/ENET is unresponsive
2) The instruments which are controlled by the GPIB go into some type of locked state. It gives the following error:
VI_ERROR_INV_RSRC_NAME (-1073807342): Invalid resource reference specified. Parsing error.
This error occurs intermittently, but always right after a successful measurement when I am giving the next run. After this I have to reconnect with the instrument in the instrument server of Labber, and I will be able to start this experiment. This error when occurs, occurs for all the instruments in the GPIB. Other instruments in USB work fine.
I tried a few options that were there in the Labber communication. When I used something termination character CR (carriage return) for all the GPIB instruments, it seemed to have cut down the frequency of this significantly although it is still there. But the problem (1) persists.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for reading through it.