I am having troubles communicating with this device thorough Labview 2013. In my program I use the Visa Configure serial port and use the default settings on all of the inputs except the baud rate which has to be set at 19200. Next I have the write.vi with the command "send" which tells the insrument to "output readings once". After this I have the read.vi with 100 bytes to be read in. When I run this the following error occurs at the read.vi
Error -1073807339 occurred at VISA Read in Untitled 1
Possible reason(s):
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
Now I have tried this in a terminal emulator colled Terra Term
As soon as I hit enter after typeing in the command send it returns the data. So is the issue that the data returns before labview has a chance to read it and therefore there is nothing in the read buffer. If so how do I get around this? If not then what is the issue?