Dear all,
My hardware is an NI GPIB-USB-HS interface, connected to a windows 7 machine. I have two GPIB devices connected for testing.
I am trying to send low-level GPIB commands using viGpibCommand. The reason I need to do this is because I want to implement a GET trigger with multiple listeners. This cannot be accomplished with the viAssertTrigger() functionality, as far as I am aware.
However, when I try to send commands using viGpibCommand(), I get "VI_ERROR_NCIC: the interface associated with this session is not currently the controller in charge".
Indeed, the VI_ATTR_GPIB_CIC_STATE attribute of the session to my "GPIB::INTFC" controller shows 0 (not in control). It is the system controller though (VI_ATTR_GPIB_SYS_CNTRL_STATE shows 1).
My question is: what do I need to do to be able to send raw commands using viGpibCommand?