I was working fine using Visual Studio 2013, Dot Net 4.5.1, NI.Common, NI.DAQmx, and NI.NI4882 I need to support XP machines so I downgraded to Dot Net 4.0. I redefined Dot Net in the solution and restarted only to get NI488.2 errors indicating that NationalInstruments.NI4882 namespace doesn’t contain any public members or cannot be found and undefined name errors like: NI4882.Device, NI4882.SerialPollFlags, NI4882.TimeoutValue, NI4882.NotifyData, NI4882.GpibStatusFlags
There were about 15 errors when the debugger was opened but it jumped to 45 when build was executed. I got rid of the initial debugger errors by changing all NationalInstruments.NI4882. references to just NI4882. references. However, when I build, my 45 errors come back. I tried going back to Dot Net 4.5.1 and also removing the NI488.2 reference and adding it back in but the errors persisted.
Any Ideas?