Hi, I am trying to communicate with an acton monochromator 300i.
When I use VISA, I can communicate just fine. When I try to use either of the labview examples (GPIB-VISA and GPIB-Labview) as well as my own program, I cannot, and I get a timeout error.
I have read a page about this kind of problem here: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/6217D314252A51168625693F004FD873
It says, I should change the address of my device to 0. (the default adress of my device is 11) .However I can only set the address of my device between 1 and 30, so this solution does not work for me.
I have tried using the property nodes to chand the termination charater settings, I have tried the commands with and without termination character (which is \r in this case), I have tried putting a delay between the write and read, I have tried reducing the "bytes to read" and nothing has worked
Here is what the error says:
Error -1073807195 occurred at VISA Open in GPIB-VISA_modif.vi
Possible reason(s):
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A5) The interface type is valid, but the specified interface number is not configured.
Any help is appreciated.