I am currently working with two instruments; an Agilent E3646A and an NI 6212 BNC. My objective is to have the 6212 to be continuously taking measurements according to predefined parameters while the E3646A's parameters can be continuously updated. This simple instrument combination is intended to help me learn the necessarry achitecture; continuous measurement, dynamic output control, and more instruments will be added in the future.
I've previously posted on a similar, but more complicated, setup (http://forums.ni.com/t5/Instrument-Control-GPIB-Serial/Split-second-lag-when-controlling-two-instruments-via-GPIB/td-p/2669581) and was advised to try the Producer Consumer Architecture. I've found relevant literature on the site (http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3023/en/,https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-2431), searched the forums and constructed my own VI. While my first attempt at a Producer Consumer Architecture has resolved some of the issues I was having when I first posted on the subject, however, new issues have arisen with regard to reading and stopping the VI.
I am currently able to run the VI and update the device parameters. Previously, I would get a freeze while the instrument was being updated and could not toggle parameters until it was done. This has been resolved although the read only updates when a parameter has been updated although it is outside of the event structure. Furthermore the Stop button does not work in any context. I've also gotten occasional errors regarding the Deqeue Element but the bulk of the trouble is Error -200279 "Attempted to read samples that are no longer available" at DAQmx Read. I realize that there is a problem in my Producer Loop but haven't been able to figure out how to resolve it.
This is my first attempt at a Producer Consumer Architecture and already I can see that it is a powerful tool. I read as much as I could and looked at the relevant examples but expected to have some issues in the beginning. Would really appreciate any advice so I can take full advantage of the architecture.
Hope to hear from you,
Yusif Nurizade