I am configuring an instrument using "Instrument I/O assistant" to read and parse incomming data, but the data coming out of it utilizes a "/n" termination character twice, I want to terminate on the second instance of it.
1) If I set the termination character to "none" I can see all of the data (termination = 0D 0A in the middle of the data and at the end). But the system times out (makes sence since I didnt set a termination ch)
2) If I use "/n" as my termination character the first chuck of data is displayed but not the second.
Below you can see the data collected from "Advanced Serial Port Monitor". In one data capture you can see that there are two lines, I want to terminate on the second LF.. any ideas?
<20140404161850.899 RX>
00000,0,1.511e+03,3956,0.0041 [len=29]
<20140404161850.899 RX>
<LF>00000,0,1.511e+03,0.3854,0.3888,0.2236,0.5075 [len=46]
<20140404161850.899 RX>