Hi all
I am quite confused over the instruction given in NI website. Hope someone could give me a verification and guidance for the instruction given. I have an offline PC which houses this card and I do not have internet access at the site where this machine resides.
So I followed the instruction given by https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000001DbuaSAC&l=en-SG.
I have set up a virtual machine running Ubuntu 20.04 on an internet-accessible machine to facilitate the download. I have faced the following problems on setting up the host machine
- Following the instruction "sudo apt-get install python36 apt-mirror dkpg-dev"
- The installation has python36 failing which I believed to be not of any issues as Ubuntu 20.04 has python38 but dkpg-dev also failed for installation. Will this create any potential issue downstream?
- Continuing on to next step of the instruction. I have download the registration package "NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q3" from the below links given. Links: NI Linux Device Drivers Download .
- Following which I have then installed the registration package with the following command
- with the pre-instruction steps: sudo apt-get update, followed by sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, followed with a reboot
- sudo apt install ./ni-ubuntu2004-drivers-2023Q3.deb. The command line instruction seem running fine.
- Then I should begin to download the script that matches my system
- .Is the script offline_deb_repo.py?
- And the command to download: ./offline_deb_repo.py packages ni-serial ni-hwcfg-utility
- Is the steps sufficient for me to have the packages or deb files to install them? That I mean I do not have to adopt the step 2 in https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000001DbuaSAC&l=en-SG. if I do not want the whole repository?Regards
- Following which I have then installed the registration package with the following command