I am trying to get S21 parameter across different angular positions of a rotator (having antenna attached)
from N5224A PNA (VNA) using Labview.
Although I am able to get S21 and saving it continuously in a text file in Labview. However, the problem is that there are certain readings after 3 to 4 correct readings, where received s21 gives a glitch, e.g., -200 power level (which is meaningless).
For example, power level -42 dB, -42.15, -38, and then -200, -200,-200, then again correct readings in the range.
I guess there is some issue in the code or subVI which is causing these glitches.
If someone could please share a Labview code for getting S21 from Keysigth N5224A VNA.
Note that i am connecting a motor(rotator) for moving antenna, and measuring the radiation pattern using S21 from VNA.
See the attached text file with obtained S21 from VNA , as an example.
The Labiewcode file is also attached.
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated. THANKS