Steps to duplicate:
1. Use NI-Max to configure serial port with Name(alias) and Baud rate = 115200.
2. Verify values are saved to "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NIvisa\visaconf.ini"
3. Failure #1 - Use Open VISA Test Panel to communicate with instrument. Port settings do not reflect Baud rate = 115200.
4. Open instrument with pyVISA using NI-VISA backend. pyVISA properly see alias set in NI-Max but baud rate = 9600 (default)
pyVISA Serial port setting work with Keysight and R&S VISA backends and associated configuration utilities.
5. Somewhat annoying that VI_ATTR_RSRC_IMPL_VERSION = 0x1600500 (is this correct or should it be 0x2200500NI-Max
Additional info:
Comments: 2022/07/01 17:45:56, nivisa64/win64U/x64/msvc-14.0/release
InternalName: NIVISA_CORE 22.5.0f60
ProductName: NIVISA_CORE
CompanyName: National Instruments Corporation
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2000-2022 National Instruments Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
ProductVersion: 22.5.0f60
FileDescription: NI-VISA Library
LegalTrademarks: None
PrivateBuild: None
FileVersion: 22.5.0f60
OriginalFilename: nivisa64.dll
SpecialBuild: NI-Spy