Hi all,
We are using the NI GPIB-USB-HS for production fixtures. Our machines are running an in-house C# application on Win10/64 using NI VISA and NI 488.2 v21.5. To the best of my knowledge, we are using recommended practices for device communications (based on reference manuals and provided examples).
The problem is that our production process requires electrical arcing, which generates EMI and causes either the GPIB cable or the instrument to lose comms. After an incident, the GPIB controller is often visible in NI-MAX but the instrument is not. Sometimes I must manually unplug the GPIB cable to restore functionality, and other times I must Scan For Instruments in NI-MAX to recover. Occasionally the GPIB reports status -37052.
I'm working on a way to use a powered USB hub to cycle GPIB power after an event occurs, but I cannot "Scan For Instruments" through the NI-VISA / NI-488.2 .NET libraries. Any ideas on how I can get around this?