I tried to communicate with VISA, for common commands it works with "*IDN?\n", but when I want to execute a specific command, it gives me an error "VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) The timeout ' wait (timeout) expired before the operation was completed."
I am a beginner with the instrument control part on labview, someone can help me I will be gratefu
i need to communicate with VISA with MTX3293 multimetr , when i run the VISA test pannel with a commun command like "*IDN?\n", it works
but when want to execut the specific command to acquire the continus data from my MTX3293 it gives an error
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) the time out expired before the operation was not completed
im a beginner with instrument control on LabVIEW , some one help me please
thank you for all