I am working on getting a hardcopy from a scope, but don't know how to set the buffer size when getting the image data.
I found the following example which using the MessageBasedSession.ReadToFile() function to streamline the instrument read and file write to a single function call. I want to use the VISA.NET API, Is there a equivalent function in VISA.NET API or any other ways to set a proper buffer size?
Thanks in advance!
using System;
using NationalInstruments.VisaNS;
namespace instr_control
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MessageBasedSession Scope;
string resourceString = "USB0::0x0699::0x03A6::C010000::INSTR";
Scope = (MessageBasedSession)ResourceManager.GetLocalManager().Open(resourceString);
string path = @"C:\";
string fname = @"temp" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".bmp";
Scope.Timeout = 5000;
Scope.Write("ACQuire:STATE STOP");
Scope.Write("HardCopy:FormatException bmp");
Scope.Write("Hardcopy:Layout Portrait");
Scope.Write("HARDCopy:INKSaver OFF");
Scope.Write("Hardcopy:port USB");
Scope.Write("Hardcopy Start");
Scope.ReadToFileAppends = true;
Scope.ReadToFile(path + fname);
while (Scope.LastStatus.Equals(VisaStatusCode.SuccessMaxCountRead)) ;
catch (Exception exp)