I am using Keithley 2182A, nanovoltmeter.
To use the instrument in Delta mode measurement, the instrument needs to receive a trigger externally via another Keithley instrument (a current source). The 2182A is connected to the other current source via RS232 and TSP link.
When I am doing a Delta measurement, I press "ex trig" on the front panel of the 2182A voltmeter as the last step to make the instrument wait for the trigger that I will press manually on the current source.
However, I do not find/see any VI for the Keithley 2182A that is equivalent to the EX TRIG button. There is no VI that can put the 2182 in a "wait for external trigger" mode. I have checked the VI family.
Would anyone know of a VI that will put the instrument in ex trigger mode? Or would you know what I should do if I do not find the VI of a function that I want to perform?
Thanks a lot!