I am controlling a Rohde Schwarz FSP and have things working well, using a GPIBSession. I am trying to set it so that I enable the Operation Complete bit and then use a timer to periodically check the Status Byte. To set up the Operation Complete bit, I am sending the following:
"*ESE 1"
"*SRE 32"
I can read back the ESE and SRE using the *ESE? and *SRE? queries and get the correct response to indicate that the enables are set correctly. I then put the spectrum analyser into a Single Sweep mode and trigger the sweeps... when I query the ESR or STB ("*ESR?" and "*STB?") using a timer in a loop the reply is always 0. If is use the ReadStatusByte, it also returns 0...
If I used the *OPC? / *OPC? construct, it will wait and then complete once the required sweeps are complete. I don't like this as it locks out control and I need to rely on a calculated timeout to prevent a hang-up.
I am trying to avoid using Events as I prefer to know where my code is. There don't seem to be any up-to-date examples for using NI-VISA 5.4 in Visual Studio 2012 (Visual Basic).
Thanks for any clues...