I'm trying to use IVI drivers for the first time, instead of instrument specific ones. I've installed the IVI compliance package, created a logical session in MAX as described in the somewhat out of date support doc: http://www.ni.com/tutorial/4594/en/
I haven't been able to establish a working path from a Labview IVI driver to the IVI configuration in MAX(IVI VISA resource in Labview shows nothing, and a manual entry can't locate the resource). For my test case, I'm working on a HP 34401A, but I have other instruments I'd like to get this working with (HP 83752A, 8562EC, R&S SML02)
Are there any newer support documents for IVI driver configuration, or should I cut my losses and use hardware specific drivers?
My software versions are:
Labview 2013 (LV 2018 also installed)
IVI Compliance Package 16.0
NI-VISA 16.0
NI-MAX 19.0