Hi All,
I'm just new here and just starting in LabView. I really appreciate if someone could help me. This is the situation: I want to communicate/control a Lecroy 6100a oscillsocope using LabView on my PC. I've already studied some tutorials for GPIB communiation between LabView and an instrument. Actually, i have succesfully done this using a VI to control a GPIB controlled instrument. However, the Lecroy 6100a that we have here doesn't have the GPIB port i needed. I've already installed the driver for this instrument on my PC, but since there is no GPIB Port available on the Lecroy that we have, i can't communicate with the instrument.
With the help of some search here in the forum, i was able to know that it is possible to control the Lecroy 6100a using the Ethernet port. I tried to look for some tutorial on this but unfortunately, i can't watch the video provided by NI. Then, i decided to go back here in the forum.
Could someone here give me any instruction on how to configure/control the Lecroy 6100a oscilloscope using LabView through an Ethernet port? or is this possible?
Many Thanks in Advance!