I am running into a very difficult issue using the VisaNS library in C# .NET. I have created a class called FactoryInterface with the following constructor:
public class FactoryInterface : ICommonControl { protected MessageBasedSession _mbSession; public FactoryInterface(string com_port) { SerialSession ss; _mbSession = new SerialSession("COM14"); ss = (SerialSession)_mbSession; ss.BaudRate = 57600; ss.DataBits = 8; ss.StopBits = StopBitType.One; ss.Parity = Parity.None; ss.Timeout = 1000; ss.TerminationCharacter = 0x0d; } }
I then create an object of Factory interface and call the following function, SendCommand with the parameters "get netconfig\r" and false:
public void SendCommand(string cmd, bool getError)
{ _mbSession.Write(cmd + "\r"); }
Which returns the following exception:
Unknown system error (miscellaneous error). VISA error code -1073807360 (0xBFFF0000), ErrorSystemError
In order to test the device I open VISA Test Panel. I configure the device with the same parameters as above and send the same string. The write completes without error.
When I capture both communications using NI I/O Trace, I see the following descriptions for the successful and unsuccessful communications, respectively:
2. viWrite (ASRL14::INSTR (0x00C7DA10), "get netconfig.", 14 (0xE), 14 (0xE)) Process ID: 0x00005530 Thread ID: 0x000052C0 Start Time: 10:11:58.1070 Call Duration 00:00:00.0002 Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
> 27. viWrite (ASRL14::INSTR (0x00000001), "get netconfig.", 14 (0xE), 0 (0x0))> Process ID: 0x00005404 Thread ID: 0x0000569C> Start Time: 10:12:32.8867 Call Duration 00:00:00.0000> Status: 0xBFFF0000 (VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR)
Any insight or lines of investigation would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.