I'm currently facing an issue about using GPIB-USB-HS+ on Windows XP mode in Windows7 machine.
And my NI488.2_v2.7.2 is not working, issue is about the driver can't be working correctly. However Windows XP is the only working version for this product.
I found some people were facing similar issue and the fix is in "https://forums.ni.com/t5/Instrument-Control-GPIB-Serial/NI-488-2-does-work-on-Windows-XP-Mode-within-Windows-7/m-p/1767076#M50236".
Somehow, the download like in the fix is no longer available and looks NI website now only provide three 488.2 driver which no one can be used for Windows XP. (I don't get why old driver should be removed from the website)
Can someone from NI please let me know how to get the fix in "https://forums.ni.com/t5/Instrument-Control-GPIB-Serial/NI-488-2-does-work-on-Windows-XP-Mode-within-Windows-7/m-p/1767076#M50236"?
It looks to me NI-488.2 v3.0 has the fix I need, it would be much appreciate if you can send me the installer file of NI-488.2 v3.0.