Hello, I am trying to make a standalone application on LabVIEW; it requires to be able to find TCPIP, USB and GPIB visa resources programmatically without NI-MAX installed in the host computer. My issue lies in that visa resource finder or visa property resource finder does not find the TCPIP connected instruments unless it is firstly found in NI-MAX. All other types of connection works, GPIB, COM, USB. If possible I want to avoid using the TCP functions, because I had a large program dependent on the visa resource finder for all other type of connections. I am working in LabVIEW 2017 64-bit and have NIVISA 19.0 and GPIB drivers installed. Also, I attached a copy of the VI I am using (LabVIEW example) and picture of NIMAX found instrument. Any suggestion is greatly appreciate it.