We are trying to control a 3rd Party Hardware using NI-VISA. The charge has a driver, however in our application we want to deploy a VI in a RT Target (in this case a PXI) and, following a NI suggestion, is better to use NI-VISA (see "IVI Driver for 3rd Party Hardware" in [1]).
The charge is controlled by Ethernet Connection and we get to established a connection without problems following the tutorial presented in [2]. The problem starts when we try to test commands. When we open NI-VISA Test Panel (in NI MAX) we get to make a query unsing "*IDN?\n" command, but any order command gives "Error: Unknown Command" response.
After this error appears the first time even "*IDN?\n" stops working giving the same response "Error: Unknown Command" when we use query.
The same error happens when we try to control the 3rd party hardware direct using a VI in LabView and the "*IDN?\n" command does not work a single time when executed by this VI. A print of the VI mentioned in this paragraph is anexed.
[1] https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019PmbSAE&l=pt-BR