I am using a GPIB-USB-B cable to communicate with a Kiethley 2430. The Labview version I have is the NXG and I downloaded the relevant 24xx drivers from the ni website. The NI MAX is able to detect the instrument and read and write to/from it.
The problem happens when I run one of the vis (ReadMultiple for example). The vi initiates and turns the instrument on but gets stuck in the "Fetch (Measurements).gvi" and shows an execution error (attch image) with the following explanation: "LabVIEW: (Hex 0x68B) The input string contains one or more invalid UTF-8 string sequences".
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? Could the error be because I am using the older version of the GPIB cable (GPIB-USB-B) versus the HS or HS+ versions? Has anyone else used the B cable with Keithley and run it successfully with Labview?