I have a question about .NET Framework 4.5 language support issue.
I am currently using Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012
I have a problem to use ResourceManager in the NI VISA library , so I switched 4.0 to 4.5
However, after I made install package and install to another PC to run my project.
I got this issue
Therefore, I was assuming that new PC doesn't have .NET Framework 4.5 or VISA driver is missing dll files.
I upgrade.NET 4.0 to .NET 4.5 , and I also update the newest VISA Driver to run my project.
However, throwing error issue kept appearing , so i can't run my project.
Therefore, I decide to re-install driver. And, I found they there is support issue
Current PC doesn't have visual studio or measrement studio.( I just wanted to make sure my project is running on other pc or not)
However, I installed the newest drivers and .NET 4.5.
I am not really sure the reasons that I can't use ResourceManager in the NI VISA library