NI community,
I am having issues reading data from an FTDI FT232R USB UART chip (in a dyno controller). I don't have much experience with VISA or USB protocol so please forgive me if this is a trivial matter.
I have LabVIEW 2017 installed on a desktop and on a laptop. The desktop is running Windows 7 SP1 and the laptop is running Windows 10 Pro. I have no issues reading from the FT232R when using the laptop but I continue to get error -1073807246 at the VISA configure serial port (The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access it) when using the desktop. I bring the laptop home with me every night to program so I don't want to have to use it our test cell. I've researched the error for the last two days but I cannot figure out why it will not work on the desktop. I have the latest drivers from FTDI installed on the laptop and desktop. I've uninstalled/reinstalled the drivers, tried the NI VISA driver wizard (but then saw a post from Dennis K. urging not to use that option), checked the cable, tried to figure out if the VISA resource is being use by another application on the desktop...but I just keep going in circles.
Can anybody send me down a better troubleshooting path? I've attached a WORD file with extra details. I'm assuming it's a COM issue but my low level computer skills are limited.
Thanks in advance,