Fairly new to all this so bear with me. Let me know if this is even possible...
Platform: Agilent / Keysight Technologies DSO-X 3054A Oscilloscope
Software: LabVIEW 2016 (64-bit)
Connection: USB-B
My goal is to monitor a channel and wait for a trigger on the oscilloscope to occur.
All the trigger parameters will be modified from the oscilloscope. I am trying to have the host-computer just store data for the moment.
If the trigger conditions are met OR "force trigger" button is pressed, then save an image of the oscilloscope and continue monitoring for the next trigger.
I setup a small VI to save images, now all I need to do is make an infinite loop to "listen" for a trigger..?
I've read these examples that seem to be close to what I want but I do not know how they would be implemented properly.
Using VISA handles events.
Stop Wait on Trigger example that uses DAQmx.